Simple Elegance In A Blue Prom Dress

Prom can basically be described as the single most important day in a teenage girl’s life. What could be more important than getting all dressed and dolled up for a once in a lifetime night to mark the end of high school? To make this day equally special, try and step out in a unique outfit, there is nothing worse than meeting your complete carbon copy at an event. Nothing will accomplish this like a blue prom dress can. Blue has frequently been described as a gloomy and sad color but it actually speaks of elegance, style, sophistication and magnificence; so why not step out in this color and dazzle everyone around?

Get Cute Light Blue Prom Dress

Why You Should Go Blue!

If you desire a unique and striking look that has the ability to capture everyone’s attention and at the same time flatter your complexion and figure, then a blue prom dress will have the exact effect. Blue is viewed as a stunning color because it flatters most skin tones ranging from pale, white, pink and even dark shades. It also brings out most figures beautifully whether skinny or plus sized, one only needs to find a design that will be most compliment their figure. In addition, blue as a color in itself has many shades and some shades obviously look better than others or are simply preferred over other shades.

Light Blue Prom Dress

The Light Shade of Blue

If you are used to wearing bright colors then a light blue prom dress would best suit you. It will have the effect of brightening up a room and looks even better on slim and petite girls. Light blue also has a “girly girl” effect. It is a cute and cuddly color that effortlessly brings out the shy innocent girl within without having to get into the whole cliché pink color.

The Royal Shade

Royal blue, the word royal in itself speaks of elegance and class. This particular shade of blue is bold and perfect for evenings. Whether strappy or strapless the royal blue dress will appear both stylish and simply fashionable in every sense of the word.  A royal blue prom dress, being a bit on the darker side compared to its light blue counterpart, has the whole slimming effect, which is favored by girls at this age. It also brings out all complexions and hair colors wonderfully, so go wild with an elegant blue prom dress of the royal shade, for that faultless look.


Lovely Royal Blue Prom Dress

The Navy Blue Prom Dress

Navy blue is on the darker side of the blue color scale, and thus is a bit cold looking but at the same time it has that confident ‘I know what I am doing and I know I can pull it off look’. So, a stylish navy blue dress is the best choice for the any girl that wants to appear confident.

Seductive Navy Blue Prom Dress

Nothing compliments a blue dress like silver. For an elegant finish to that dazzling outfit try and pair it up with silver heels, the more sparkly the better the look. A simple silver bracelet will go a long way to add sophistication to the entire look and a beautiful pair of silver ear rings will beautifully compliment your blue prom dress.